The primary purpose of the Rock Creek Skeet Club is to offer an opportunity for the camaraderie and social networking of neighbors in an atmosphere of friendly competition in the game of skeet.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hat Shooting Party

Thursday May 20th will be our last night of this current league. We will have a hat shooting party that night. All members who have shot a 25 this season will have their caps shot by all members present. The caps will be placed downrange and all members will shoot the caps at once. Be sure to bring an extra shell that night.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


As a reminder our awards ceremony party will be held June 11th. Please pass this along to your wives. I've had a few tell me they didn't know the date. As it stands now the party will be held at Pickles on Jarvis. We will have the place to ourselves. You will not want to miss this party.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Summer Shooters

After this 6 weeks we will have a random draw for new teams to shoot the balance of the year. We will change up the teams each 6 weeks until the last league Hot Wells offers this year.

We will start over next year with a draft or some method to select the squads. I would like to ask you to send me an email letting me know if your "IN" or "OUT" for the summer teams. Please place IN or OUT in your subject line.

The summer teams will provide the opportunity to mix things up a bit. No individual awards or team awards will be given. The summer shoots are all about fun and trash talking. Suggestions on creative ways to draw the summer teams would be helpful. Lets come up with something fun and off the wall.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Message from Dallas

Below is information that was sent to the Captains yesterday by Dallas. Everyone please remember to let your Captain know if you are shooting on scheduled league nights.


Remember, a field is reserved for a 5 man team. It is the responsibility of the team captain to advise Dallas before your league time of any team member who will be absent. This requires the cooperation of all league shooters. Also, the team captain is responsible for checking and signing the score sheets, seeing that all scores are recorded correctly. Relay league news to your team mates, (most information is sent only to the team captain.)

Concerning make-up rounds: Be sure your team mates understand that once the have shot the first two rounds, all make-up rounds must be up to date BEFORE their next scheduled time to shoot. If not, they will be given their average, less one bird per round , with no handicap. (Alternates, who are not shooting on another team in the current league, are o.k.)
Thanks for your help. Dallas

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wednesday Night Ladies Night

Who will be the first to earn the button above. Guys we cannot let the girls out shoot us.

New Members

We have filled the 3 open positions to field the current teams. Team Rock Shots picked up resident Lonnie Williams to replace Marty Schotts. Team S.H.I.T. picked up resident Craig Welsh to replace Todd Ray. Team Rock Stars will have guest member Brad Barney Buerger to fill in for the departure of Ward Taylor. All other members are back for the final 6 weeks of the regular season.

After this coming 6 weeks we will draw random teams to finish out the 2010 season. In 2011 we will draft or draw new teams to kick of the Polar Bear league.

With the addition of Team Bling Bang shooting on Wednesday nights we have 39 Rock Creek residents shooting and one guest.

Congratulations to each of you who have stayed the course. I would also like to remind you that at the bottom of the page is a calendar that provides important dates of club activities. June 12th will be our annual awards ceremony/party. More details will be coming. Also do not forget about the Horseshoe tournament on May 22nd.

Monday, April 5, 2010


The RCSC has it's first ladies team. Team BLING BANG will start shooting Wednesday April 14th at 8:00 PM. The ladies are Cyndy Key, Amy Cope, Cindy Harris, Dawn Martin and Kim Patterson. This brings a new element to the club. Which of the current and future teams will be put in their place by the ladies? This will be interesting. Lets support the team and help them get up to speed.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


At the half way point the stage is set for a tight race for the honor of being the 2010 Team Champion. Eat, Shoot & Die and the SMACK DADDIES appear to be the favorites going into week 7. Captain Russell Ratchet White will need to keep his squad from becoming over confident and finding themselves sliding down the leader board. The SMACK DADDIES look to peak this final 6 weeks. The team that can also adjust to the transition light should gain some ground.

Team Rock Stars are gaining some ground but without the help of a ringer sub it's unlikely Captain Dean Wormer and Rick Daab -A- Daaby Do will be able to carry the team any closer than third place and that is not a given. Team Skeet Heroes In Transition could overtake the Rock Stars but with Captain Todd Titty Ray taking a leave of absence the team is in question. I was always taught that the Captain was to go down with the ship.

Team Big Shotz and Team 12, 20 What-the-hell are suffering. Captain Scott Stripper Pole Key is shooting like an All Star and Richard Retardo Harris is starting to shoot well enough to be removed from the Special Olympics Team. With 146 more weeks this team might could catch up. Captain Vulger Vogler is kicking ass and taking names on the field but cannot find one of his squad members much less rally the misfits he leads.

Captain Can't Cope of Team Rock Shots had a squad member that never made an appearance and put the team in a bind. The rules committee will have to decide how to handle the teams score. The team did pick up new member Lonnie Last Minute Williams to help close the gap.

Eat, Shoot & Die 1356


Rock Stars 1297*

S.H.I.T. 1270

Big Shotz 1222

12, 20 Whatever 1178

Rock Shots 986#

* not adjusted for subs score

# missing scores

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Prelim Standings Week 6

The race has narrowed and it's no surprise that Team SMACK DADDIES is on top but by the slimmest margin. Team Eat, Shoot and Die is one target behind the SMACK DADDIES. The Rock Shots are looking stronger but it appears that their ringer subs scores will be reduced to the average of the regular member (sorry guys). After Captain Dean tried to decapitate Captain Cope on the very same subject concerning Culpeper's score in the Polar Bear League I'm surprised that Team Rock Stars would try to get away with such a stunt. Pure desperation.

Team Big Shotz and Team 12, 20 Whatever it took are tied for 4th place, tonight could be a deciding factor. Team S.H.I.T have fallen and cannot get up. Team Rock Shots have fallen off the map due to one shooter never firing a round. How we determine the teams score is up for debate.

1344 - Smack Daddies

1343 - Eat, Shoot & Die

1335 - Rock Stars (before being adjusted for cheating)

1269 - Big Shotz

1269 - 12, 20 Whatever it Takes

1228 - S.H.I.T

1036 - Rock Shots (missing shooter)