The primary purpose of the Rock Creek Skeet Club is to offer an opportunity for the camaraderie and social networking of neighbors in an atmosphere of friendly competition in the game of skeet.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

League Process

Our 12th week of the club league ends this coming Thursday. The final 6 weeks of our league will start April 15th. Towards the end of this next league we will have a random draw for teams who wish to continue shooting this summer. I think Hot Wells will have two more leagues after our season ends towards the end of May.

I will need to know from each of you if you want to be included in the draw for new teams to shoot the balance of this year (this summer). I'm personally looking forward to shooting in shorts, t-shirt and sunshine.

In December we will conduct another draft to establish teams for the 2011 RCSC season.

I want it to be clear that our current teams will continue as they are today until the end of the next 6 weeks.


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